A Thief Called CANCER

by Beautifuly Abstrackk Poetry




An unwanted presence that I didn’t ask for

You strip away my Identity

Make me wish that I weren’t even me

You pull at my energy

Eat away at my faith

Thinking some days wondering if I’m even safe

Praying that when I close my eyes that it’s not my last day

Going through treatments hoping that it works.

Looking my family in their eyes knowing that it hurts

Doctors give me hope, knowing that hope doesn’t exist

Sweet kiss of betrayal for my life is numbered in days

Trying to go back and clean up all my selfish and dirty ways...

Yet I mourn the loss of my own death

This stigma that just decided to take over my life and run

Looking in the mirror at a face that I don’t even know

That glow I once had fade away and turn to black

My confidence I had was a blemish

Trying to fight for something that was once mine

Praying on both knees I don’t have to pay back borrowed time.

What are u...

Are you the karma that has been waiting for years to come back and only equipped me with tears

My fears haunt me

My feelings taunt me

Not able to control how much longer I have to show this world…

Cancer came like a thief in the night

Took ownership of my joy

I wish for that day

the day that I can wake up and Cancer is No more


Source: A Thief called CANCER  | BeautifullyAbstrackk POETRY (wordpress.com)



Shared with love by Jan James, Hope After Breast Cancer

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