Choosing An Oncologist

For the newly diagnosed: You're about to learn a new language. And about different types of doctors you'll see.

There are typically two types of surgeons: the "breast surgeon" and the "plastic surgeon." The breast surgeon removes the affected tissue, and the plastic puts everything back together. Sometimes your surgeon can play both roles, but it's common to see a breast surgeon and a plastic surgeon working side-by-side in a surgery. Surgeons are typically seen soon after your diagnosis and are in your world for a relatively short period of time.

There are two types of oncologists: the "medical oncologist" and the "radiation oncologist." If your situation warrants having radiation treatment, the radiation oncologist will manage that process. Again, the radiation oncologist is usually seen for a short period of time. 

The most important doctor on your team is the medical oncologist. This doctor will coordinate ALL of your treatment. And they will be the person who keeps an eye on you throughout and AFTER treatment. I strongly suggest "interviewing" two or more medical oncologists. 

The medical "onc" is the "quarterback" of your medical team, and it's critical that you like them and that you can communicate well. You will see your onc regularly for the rest of your life, so they really need to be someone that you click with. 

Schedule appointments with a few of them before you make this important decision. And don't worry about hurting their feelings ... they're very used to patients getting second, third and fourth opinions. It's a regular part of the process.

Listen to your gut in the decision-making process. The peace of mind you will have from choosing an oncologist that you feel great about and trust is priceless.

Shared with love by Jan James, Hope After Breast Cancer

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Disclaimer: While professional experts and the Company address health issues and the information provided on this Website and its components relates to medical and/or health issues, the information provided is not a substitute for medical or health advice from a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation.


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