21 Minutes to Change Your Life

Ten years ago, I watched this 21-minute TED Talk, and I fell in love with the coaching of Mel Robbins. 

As our Hope After Breast Cancer community is learning how to manage fear of recurrence, I'm going to share some of Mel's coaching to help us.

One of the foundational concepts of Mel's coaching is "The 5 Second Rule." 

Mel explains, "When you stop and think, when you hesitate, and when you feel uncertain, you are signaling to your brain that something’s wrong. Your brain automatically goes into overdrive to protect you. How does it protect you? By keeping you from doing anything that feels scary, hard, or uncertain. The 5 Second Rule is a way to outsmart your brain by changing hesitation into ACTION."

Do you struggle with fear of recurrence? My guess is that you can use the 5 Second Rule to outsmart your brain so that paralyzing fear doesn't take over your life. Sound too easy? Why not give it a try?

Learn about the 5-Second Rule here:

I use the 5 Second Rule in ALL kinds of situations, and you can, too! Keep practicing "5-4-3-2-1" every time you feel anxiety or fear by taking your brain back! I can't wait to hear how it works for you! 

Shared with love by Jan James, Hope After Breast Cancer

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Our THRIVERS optional membership program is for women who want to take deliberate action to grow past their breast cancer experience, reclaiming their lives to THRIVE. It is scheduled to launch in October 2020.

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