What I’ve Learned About Fear

I just passed my ten-year anniversary of being diagnosed in 2012. That causes me to take a pause and reflect on all I’ve learned about breast cancer in the last ten years.

Very early on, I fell in love with my pink sisters and started to advocate for them on many levels. As my “tribe” continued to grow, I found ways to stay in conversation with them to learn about the most important aspects of their treatment and post-treatment. Because everyone's journey is different.

There is no doubt that “fear of recurrence” is the number one fear of women who have endured breast cancer. It doesn’t matter if their diagnosis was Stage 0 or Stage 4—once the door to cancer has been opened, there isn’t a way to shut it. 

I’ve learned a lot about fear and how to manage it over this past decade.

  • I learned that fear is a LIAR.
  • I learned that being fearful is a CHOICE. I learned how to stop choosing fear.
  • I learned a simple, effective 5-second brain hack that changed my life.
  • I learned thoughts cause feelings, feelings cause actions, and actions cause results. Knowing that allows me to control my feelings by managing my thoughts.
  • I learned that fear has a very simple definition. Fear is the unknown.
  • I learned to use my mind instead of letting it use me.
  • I learned I've done many hard things in my life. And I can do one more. No problem. I am STRONG.
  • I learned that the simplest way to manage fear is to activate my Superpower.
  • I learned to choose FAITH over FEAR.

My mission is to help my sisters in the breast cancer community heal their unseen wounds. And that help comes in all sorts of packages. We serve thousands of women in dozens of countries through our amazing private breast cancer support groups. And every so often, we host free workshops like New Year—NO FEAR (starts Monday, January 10) to equip and encourage our women. Find out more about us here.


Shared with love by Jan James, Hope After Breast Cancer

Find out more about our private Facebook support groups (Booby Buddies, Hope After Breast Cancer, Sex After Breast Cancer, Booby Buddies en español) here.

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If you value the information I provide, the time I put into serving our community, and would like to support my work, please consider subscribing with a paid membership to TEAM HOPE for just $5 a month at Buy Me A Coffee. And please pray for my efforts to have significance in the lives of the women we serve! Thank you!

Disclaimer: While professional experts and the Company address health issues and the information provided on this Website and its components relates to medical and/or health issues, the information provided is not a substitute for medical or health advice from a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation.













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Our THRIVERS optional membership program is for women who want to take deliberate action to grow past their breast cancer experience, reclaiming their lives to THRIVE. It is scheduled to launch in October 2020.

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