What Is the Right Implant Size for YOU?

My second plastic surgeon, Dr. Emese Kalnoki-Kis, is the one that educated me so well on how a PS determines the size of implant that will look best on a particular patient.

I know some of my pink sisters get hung up on the number of CCs in an implant ... or even the expected cup size. You need to know that's not what you should be looking at. Here's something you haven't thought about. If you have a wide, flat chest wall, whatever implant you choose will tend to stick out. But if you have a curved chest wall, that same implant will look smaller because part of it is around the curvature of your body. Make sense?  

So it's NOT about the CCs.  Or cup size. PLEASE talk with your PS until you feel that you have BOTH come to agreement on the appropriate size implant for YOU based on your personal body frame.  

And if your PS isn't a good communicator with YOU, PLEASE get a second opinion!  Or even a third and fourth opinion.  It's so very critical that you can get your questions answered to your satisfaction and that you and your surgeon are in agreement about what should happen during surgery so you don't have any surprises!  This is YOUR body!   

Written with love by Jan James, Hope After Breast Cancer

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