What Our Experts Say About a Popular Vaginal Moisturizer

If you're a woman who has endured breast cancer, there's a good chance that your intimate life has been impacted by the treatment you received. Few of our doctors warn us about the issues we experience—in fact, when we ask questions of them, most of them just shrug their shoulders and give us no solutions. There is a real gap in the care available in this vital area of our lives.

I started Hope After Breast Cancer in 2020 because we need to FIND solutions to heal our unseen wounds. I refuse to believe that no solutions exist! We're collecting experts in many disciplines who are helping our women find answers to the questions that have gone unanswered. (Meet Our Experts)

We have been having some very vibrant discussion in our private Sex After Breast Cancer Facebook group about the use of various lubes. Replens is a brand that seems to be used somewhat widely, but many of our women have reported negative side effects. When I did extensive research online, I was grateful to find the Replens website reports that their products are "hormone free"—which is critical for our community, especially the women who had hormone-fueled cancer. But the negative consumer comments about the products were concerning.

I went to our Hope After Breast Cancer experts for their input. These are the opinions of two medical professionals, but remember that the information contained on our website is not a substitute for advice from a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation. Please talk with your own doctor about your choices!

Kathy Kates (FNP, specialist in Pelvic Floor Therapy)
"NO on Replens. Plus it’s got super high osmolality, which actually dehydrates the vulvovaginal mucosa more!"
Kristina Calligan (FNP, specialist in Women's Health Education)
"Personally, I do not recommend Replens. Initially, I did not recommend it because of patient response, I often heard, “It is like Chapstick, when you start using it. It makes you depend on it.” I agree—it causes more of a rebound dehydration.
"While I am very aware this question is not about fertility—this is a great article that looked at the lubricant to see how safe it was for sperm mobility but it explains the pH and osmolarity. The glycerin and mineral oil are the two concerning products."  (Sperm toxicity of "nonspermicidal" lubricant and ultrasound gels used in reproductive medicine)

I hope you find this information helpful and am so grateful to our growing group of experts for their professional help.

We're here to serve you! If you're a woman who has endured breast cancer, please join any or all of our private Facebook communities. Click here to connect with them

Shared with love by Jan James, Hope After Breast Cancer


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