
Rebound for Your Health with Dr. Jayne Marquis, ND


I was fascinated to learn about the ways that a rebounder (mini-trampoline) can provide great benefits to your health from our Contributing Expert and Naturopathic Doctor Jayne Marquis. Did you...

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Metabolism Killers


This conversation with Hope After Breast Cancer contributor, Lisa Nicholson, was a revelation to me. I was surprised at how much I learned about what slows down our metabolism.

  • Did you know stress...
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Help Your Loved Ones Understand What Youā€™re Going Through

Energy is like many things in life. You don’t think much about it until it’s not there.

Often times, women with breast cancer “look OK.” But our reality is that we are FAR...

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You Aren't Changingā€”You're Becoming!

When we endure breast cancer, one of our frustrations is that we've "changed" from the comfortable and familiar place we were before. I hope this challenges you and gives you a new...
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On Chemo and Not in the Mood?

Oh how I LOVE our Hope After Breast Cancer contributors!!! We have assembled an INCREDIBLE group of female experts in many different disciplines to help Pink Sisters find the answers...

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Are You SURE You Don't Have a Family History of Breast Cancer?

As I meet more and more women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, I often hear how their diagnoses shocked them because they "have no family history." If you believe you don't have a family...

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The Hard Truth About December in the Breast Cancer Cosmos

It's December 2020. I just realized that I was "unofficially" diagnosed nine years ago ... a few days ago. Yes, ladies, you really DO start to forget all those "cancerversaries" eventually.


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Broken Pieces

I was at TJ Maxx today and heard a loud crash and something shattering. Being nosy, I walked towards the sound and saw some people whispering and looking back to the end of the next aisle. When I...
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Run the Dishwasher TWICE!

When I was at one of my lowest (mental) points in life, I couldn’t get out of bed some days. I had no energy or motivation and was barely getting by.

I had therapy once per week, and on this...

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I Lost A Friend Today

I lost a friend today.

Not in the way you think.

They didn't die.

They disappeared.

 Something very unexpected happens when you're diagnosed with breast cancer. 

Friends you thought...

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Join Our Waitlist 

Our THRIVERS optional membership program is for women who want to take deliberate action to grow past their breast cancer experience, reclaiming their lives to THRIVE. It is scheduled to launch in October 2020.

Join Our THRIVERS Waitlist to be one of the first to know when we open our doors! 

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