BREAKING NEWS: You’re Going to Die

 Guess what? NONE of us is getting outta here alive.

When we’re diagnosed with breast cancer, we’re forced to be conscious about our own mortality. We realize that something unexpected has entered our lives that has the possibility of killing us. So we fight.

And then as we go through our breast cancer journey, we hear the news that someone we “know” has died because of breast cancer. We might internalize the news of that woman’s death because she “seemed” healthy … “seemed” young … “seemed” to have it all. If she could die of breast cancer …. what does that mean for me? We don’t think about the fact that the news of her death doesn’t tell the whole story. That we don’t really “know” her or her true story. What kind of cancer was it? What was she staged? Did she seek treatment? If she got treatment, was it traditional treatment or alternative? Did she have other underlying conditions that may have contributed to her death? The list goes on. The reality is that we typically don’t know anything about her situation. But it scares us. Because it makes us think about our own mortality.

Friends, every day is precious in this life. You could be in a deadly car accident today. You could have an unexpected heart attack today and die. There could be circumstances that happen, completely out of your control, that could take your life TODAY. And none of these scenarios involve breast cancer.

The veil between life and death is paper thin. We are here one moment and gone the next. For me, because I’m a believer in Jesus, my fear about dying is truly low. My faith sustains me. But my days, like yours, are numbered.

So what can we do? It's simple.

Make a decision to change your mindset. Take control of what you can control. 

MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT. LIVE your life. Chase your dreams. Check items off your bucket list. Tell your people you love them. Leave nothing unsaid. Heal wounds. Forgive. Laugh. A LOT.  Make your life count. LIVE EVERY DAY.

Shared with love by Jan James, Hope After Breast Cancer

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Disclaimer: While professional experts and the Company address health issues and the information provided on this Website and its components relates to medical and/or health issues, the information provided is not a substitute for medical or health advice from a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation.


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Our THRIVERS optional membership program is for women who want to take deliberate action to grow past their breast cancer experience, reclaiming their lives to THRIVE. It is scheduled to launch in October 2020.

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