Can Taking an Aspirin Lower Your Risk of Breast Cancer?

The benefits of taking a daily, low-dose (81mg) aspirin tablet are well-known. Now Harvard Medical School has reported findings of a study about the impact of regular low-dose aspirin on breast cancer in an article called, "Aspirin and breast cancer risk: How a wonder drug may become more wonderful."

The use of low-dose aspirin at least three days a week was associated with a 16% lower risk of breast cancer. In addition, when looking at HR+/HER2- cancer, the reduction was even greater at about 20%.

The studies discussed in the article do not prove the use of aspirin created the lower risk numbers, but the data is now reason for a clinical trial. Watch for more information as it becomes available. Sounds promising!

As always, remember to check with your doctor before taking any kind of medication. The information contained on this website is not a substitute for advice from a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation.

Shared with love by Jan James, Hope After Breast Cancer

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