Who's in Your Chain?

Girlfriends, please stick through reading this til the end. You may be missing a really valuable resource in your life that will change EVERYTHING!

Years ago, I read a story about being "childless." I have a son I didn't birth who has been the most awesome blessing—but I've never birthed a baby.

The author of the story explained that motherhood can be both biological AND spiritual. She defined being a "spiritual mother" through the scripture in Isaiah 54:1. Here's the passage from The Message:

“Sing, barren woman, who has never had a baby. Fill the air with song, you who’ve never experienced childbirth! You’re ending up with far more children than all those childbearing women.” 

Huh? How could that happen? The author explained that I could become a "spiritual mother" by reaching out my hand to a woman who needed encouragement and prayer. And she would become my "spiritual daughter." The beautiful thing is that my spiritual daughters could do the same—and I'd become a "spiritual grandmother!" And so on. And so on. And so on. Into generations to come! How cool is that?!

The author then asked me to identify the "spiritual mothers" that I had in my life. Making that list made me realize I had SO MANY Spiritual Mamas who had answered my questions, strengthened my faith, prayed for me and with me, encouraged me in so many ways. Then I took that experience and reached out to others who became my Spiritual Daughters. My Spiritual Mamas showed me how to create Spiritual Daughters, and My "Chain" kept growing!

OK. Let's totally switch gears now. This month in our private Facebook support group (come join us!) we're talking about fear of recurrence. Today's challenge question was this:

Some of the answers broke my heart.

  • I'm the one everyone goes to for strength. So I keep it to myself with them.
  • I hide it. Totally.
  • Most friends/family want things to be "normal" so it's hard to talk to them about this with me and I find myself having to take care of their emotions rather than being able to talk more freely.
  • Mostly hide it. Not because I have to or because people do not care, but I don’t want people to worry about me.
  • Live in silence of fear.

What I saw in these posts was that many of you don't have cheerleaders or mentors in your life that you can lean on for encouragement.

So, my precious friends, I have a challenge for you. YOU MUST BE DELIBERATE ABOUT THIS. 

BUILD YOUR CHAIN. Find a cheerleader. Find an older woman who has had some life experience and can encourage you. Find a woman that will give to you, rather than just take. Find a friend within the cancer community that you can call on when fear creeps in and you need a swift kick in the rear! Find someone that will lovingly remind you to LIVE LIFE!

THEN reach out to someone who needs you to be THEIR cheerleader.


When you have someone in front of you, cheering you on and showing you the way—AND someone on the other side of you that YOU'RE cheering and on showing the way—LIFE IS GOOD. Keep that chain going!

Written with love by Jan James, Hope After Breast Cancer

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