
Do You Have Bladder, Bowel, Balance, or Sexual Issues?

 Note: I’m not a medical professional—I’m just Jan. What I’m sharing here I learned through our team of Contributing Experts!

BREAKING NEWS! All those issues might...

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Sex, Intimacy, Breast Cancer, and HOPE!

“Scientists estimate that between 45% and 77% of breast cancer survivors develop sexual problems after treatment, from low desire and poor lubrication to painful intercourse.”


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Lymphedema Q&A with Lymphatic Therapist Deborah Kellogg


Our Contributing Expert and Lymphatic Therapist, Deborah Kellogg, is passionate about helping our women learn how to prevent lymphedema. But if you are ever diagnosed with lymphedema, Deborah's...

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A Cheat Sheet For Talking To Your Doctor About Sexual Issues

Reprinted with permission from our friends at Rosy Wellness

by Dr. Beth Boatman, PhD

Talk to your doctor! You have likely heard this before. While It’s important to talk to your...

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Lack of Libido, Painful Sex, & Menopauseā€”A Frank Conversation with Dr. Lyndsey Harper, OB/GYN


(Don’t miss the special offer provided to you by our podcast guest below).

There is no doubt that every woman will experience changes to her sexual health after a breast cancer diagnosis to...

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Is Estrogen the Enemy of Women Who Have Had Breast Cancer? A Conversation with Dr. Melody Rodarte, DO


"Estrogen does not increase the risk of breast cancer. Breast cancer is not a disease, as some professionals believe, 'of having too much estrogen in your body.' ...

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Managing Side Effects Through Acupuncture


Soon after Hope After Breast Cancer officially started in 2020, I met Lisa Nicholson through one of our support groups. Lisa is a Master Acupuncturist in San Diego, California, USA, as well as a...

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What You Should Know About Lymphedema


Almost all women who have had a breast cancer diagnosis have had lymph nodes removed through surgery. That means that the “original equipment” you were born with is not there to do its...

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A Better Normal: Your Guide to Rediscovering Intimacy After Cancer

Tess Devèze's book, A Better Normal: Your Guide to Rediscovering Intimacy After Cancer, is a practical, compassionate, HUMAN instruction manual about how to get your sexual mojo back...

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Neuropathy and Acupuncture with Lisa Nicholson, Licensed Acupuncturist


Our Contributing Expert, Lisa Nicholson, is both a master acupuncturist as well as a breast cancer survivor. Through her cancer experience, she faced side effects just like many of us. But with her...

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Join Our Waitlist 

Our THRIVERS optional membership program is for women who want to take deliberate action to grow past their breast cancer experience, reclaiming their lives to THRIVE. It is scheduled to launch in October 2020.

Join Our THRIVERS Waitlist to be one of the first to know when we open our doors! 

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